
Green Hydrogen Roadmap in Uruguay

The ambitious decarbonization goals for 2050, established at a global level, lead to the need to promote accelerated and significant changes with respect to both the energy sources utilized and the use of raw materials consumed in different industrial processes.
Paisaje con aerogeneradores y el texto H2U

In this context, Uruguay is committing to consolidate a green hydrogen and derivates industry that, according to its 2040 strategy, could reach a turnover of US$ 1900 million per year and more than 30,000 quality jobs.

Within the framework of national and international decarbonization goals, green hydrogen and its derivatives, with its capacity to decarbonize different uses, has positioned itself as a relevant carrier on the global agenda.

Uruguay has achieved the first stage of its energy transformation, based on the decarbonization of its electricity matrix, with 97% renewable between 2017 and 2020. The second stage of the energy transformation includes, among other challenges, the decarbonization of the rest of the energy sector and raw materials, and the development of a hydrogen economy for both the local market and for export.

After a process of analysis and exchange with relevant actors at national and international level, it is concluded that Uruguay has very good conditions for the development of green hydrogen and derivatives. This is due to its large amount of renewable energy sources and biogenic CO2, as well as its institutional stability and strong democracy. It is from this conclusion that the present 2040 roadmap is proposed.

Uruguay’s Green Hydrogen and Derivatives Roadmap under consultation until August 15, 2023. Its final version is now published. It is expected that, through this strategy, Uruguay will consolidate a strong industry based on green hydrogen and its derivatives, taking into account that several potential exporting countries have already expressed their interest. Among the expected results, it is foreseen that by 2040 our country will have an annual turnover of US$1900 million and will generate more than 30,000 quality jobs. We invite you to read the complete document:

Green Hydrogen Roadmap

In the following document, entitled “Hidrógeno verde y el potencial para Uruguay: insumos para la elaboración de la Hoja de Ruta de Hidrógeno Verde de Uruguay”  prepared by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), based on the original technical analysis conducted by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co, can be found a further development of the inputs considered for the development of the roadmap presented.



