Agenda Digital Uruguay 2008-2010


The UDA does not intend to be an exhaustive list of the existing plans and projects. Explanatory goals or principles have not been included. The idea is to give priority to certain initiatives, which have been carried out as per the general strategy of the government that fosters transparency and democratic strength, the economic development based on knowledge, digital inclusion, and the progress of the electronic government as a transformation instrument of the State.

This version of the Uruguay Digital Agenda (UDA 08-10) was introduced by the Agency of e-Government and the Information and Knowledge Society and approved by the Advisory Committee of the Information Society. It is structured within the grouping of the following objectives: Access, Equity, and Inclusion; Productive Development; Electronic Government; Creation of Abilities and Knowledge, Institutionality and Regulatory Framework, and contains the goals to be accomplished within the period 2008-2010. The future updates should derive from the follow-up mechanisms, not only from the contents but from the production methods of the Agenda.

Strategic Lines of UDA ’2008-2010

  1. “Equity and Social Inclusion”: To create more and better opportunities to use and for the appropriation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for people and especially, excluded and/or disadvantaged groups.
  2. “Democratic Strengthening”: to foster transparency, providing the public sector with the necessary instruments, motivating participation and articulation of the academic, private, and civil society sectors.
  3. “Transformation of the State”: to be able to achieve the technological and organizational update of the Public Administration, rationalizing and focusing the resources and using them for the electronic services (e-services) oriented towards the citizen, which will enable the improvement of their efficiency.
  4. “Development of Infrastructure”: to develop and strengthen the technological infrastructure at a country level, as well as to achieve their technical abilities and sustainability. 
  5.  “Economic Development Based on Knowledge”:  to stimulate the exploitation of ITC´s for the productive development of the country, fostering the generation of quality products with added value in knowledge. Foster the ICT and production industry of digital contents and the use of ICT´s by the Small and Medium Companies (PYMES for its acronym in Spanish).
  6.  “Culture, Education, and Generation of Knowledge”: to stimulate the educational use of the ICTs as the promoter of cultural development in general, strengthening the necessary abilities for the production of innovation and knowledge.
  7. “Integration and Regional Insertion “: to consolidate the frame of the regional integration that promotes the development, fostering the update and/or creation of the technological and regulatory framework for the electronic exchange of information.

