Agenda Uruguay Digital 2025 - Resilient digital society

Agenda: areas, objectives. (IV) Enhancing the infrastructure of telecommunications, connectivity, and cybersecurity

Being more connected means creating more opportunities, but also being more dependent on the infrastructure and connectivity and becoming then more vulnerable. Therefore, today, more than ever, it is important to display all components of redundancy and safety by implementing a resilient strategy that enables the combination of investment and public-private use.


Objective IX: Global quality connectivity. To guarantee the wired and mobile quality connectivity in all the national territory, minimising geographic inequities in the access and use of telecommunications used by people and companies.

41. To enhance the use of telecommunications, improving the connectivity of the mobile services, the availability of the infrastructure, as well as the optimisation of the use of the national radio-frequency spectrum, including the addition of new frequency ranges destined to the display of new technologies of radio-communications and the articulation among operators and other key parties to implement the services throughout the national territory.

42. To develop resilient networks through the analysis of critical infrastructure of telecommunications that guarantee the availability of services.

43. To improve the quality of the service, through the technological adaptation to the network, the optimisation of the administration in homes and to advance regarding the 5G technology at a national level by following the environmental standards.

44. To ensure internet connectivity inland, whether by FIBER TO THE HOME in towns of at least 3,000 inhabitants, or by completing the coverage of fourth generation mobile technology at a national level.

45. To strengthen the communication infrastructure in the prisons throughout the country that allow services such as telemedicine, virtual education, legal hearings, generating savings and reducing escape risks.


Responsible institutions

National Telecommunications Administration

Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mining

Ministry of Interior

Regulatory Unit for Communication Services



Objective X: Cybersecurity. To increase cybersecurity to prevent and mitigate risks in the cyberspace and make progress regarding compliance with the national cybersecurity framework, based on the public and private cooperation, guaranteeing the availability of critical information assets.

46. To adopt the Cybersecurity Framework in critical services, infrastructure, and networks for the country, granting greater security, standardisation, and reliability to all actors of digital development.

47. To develop and promote training pathways in cybersecurity for the development of skills through formal and non-formal education.

48. To improve the efficiency of cyber incident detection and response, through the implementation of new technologies that allow the application of predictive analysis and response automation, among others.


Responsible institutions:

National Public Education Administration

Agency for Electronic Government and Information Society, and institutions

Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technologies

Regulatory Unit for Communications Services



Objective XI: Government as platform. To enable the integration, exchange and optimised consumption of services and data, by the public and private sector, in a safe and controlled environment.

49. To increase the use of interoperability and advanced digital signing, in the public sector and extend to the private one, to simplify, endorse and provide better services to persons and companies.

50. To have a centralised national address service and progress in the development of a national demographic register.

51. To make the use of the digital identity national integrated system widespread to guarantee the verification of the identity of the persons in the digital environment.


Responsible institutions:

Agency for Electronic Government and Information Society

Spatial Data Infrastructure

National Statistics Institute

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Ministry of Interior
