Agenda Uruguay Digital 2025 - Resilient digital society

2025 Digital Horizon

This Agenda places an emphasis on principles of the government as public transparency, management efficiency, and nationwide scope, reaching the whole country with the digital transformation under equal conditions, and with the complement of the public and private sector.

Based on these principles, it is structured in twelve strategic objectives, classified into five main priority action areas for the government. Each objective has specific goals, which shall be implemented by diverse public and private organisations and monitored from Agesic under the Presidency of the Republic, on a continuous basis.

The set of initiatives integrates the gender-equality perspective, both in its preparation as well as in the follow-up, catering for all the forms in which the gender digital gaps are expressed. These shall play a relevant role in the aims´ progress and attainment analysis so that the incorporation of technology contributes to their reduction. Moving towards 2025 with the execution of the initiatives proposed in this Agenda implies undergoing a path that guarantees the use of technological advancements to make sure no one misses opportunities, generating a direct impact on the integration of citizenship and economic development.

