Uruguay´s Native Forest

National Strategy

The National Strategy for Native Forests (Estrategia Nacional de Bosque Nativo), launched in 2018, sets out as national policy for the conservation and enhancement of native forest carbon stocks, sustainable forest management, and the reduction of emissions from deforestation.

Information only available in Spanish


Forest Registry

Private forests are classified according to their purpose into Protection, Production and General.
Protection forests will be classified by DGF at their own initiative or at the request of interested parties, in which case the following must be presented:

👉Technical report when it comes to classifying an existing forest;
👉 Afforestation project when it comes to creating a protection forest

Law in Spanish
Logging Ban

Law 15939 and art. 14 and 15 Decree No. 452/98
Logging and any operation that threatens the survival of the native forests are prohibited, except when:

👉 The product of the exploitation is intended for domestic use and wiring of the rural property to which it belongs;
👉 There is authorization from the General Forestry Directorate based on a technical report detailing the justification for logging and the exploitation plans

Decree in Spanish
Firewood Transportation from Native Forests

(Art. 7, paragraph K, Law 15939; Art. 2 Decree 330/993)

👉 The transport of over 1,500 kg of forest products from native forests must be accompanied by the transit guide issued by the DGF to forest owners with authorized logging. Said owners are required to duly complete the guides, which are prepared in quadruplicate and may be used for a single trip.

Decree in Spanish
Forest Protection

👉Any operation that does not comply with the Management Plan approved by the DGF and that intentionally or unintentionally infringes upon the development or permanence of the forest is prohibited. The logging of native forests may only be carried out with prior authorization and with the precautions established by the DGF.

Law in Spanish
Protection of the Palm Groves

👉 The destruction of natural palm groves and any operation that threatens their survival is prohibited.

Law in Spanish
Native Forest Management Permit

👉For the authorization of a native forest management permit, the interested party must submit a technical report to the DGF explaining the reasons for the logging and an exploitation plan to be carried out following the instructions provided by the institution.

Decree in Spanish
Tax Benefits

👉 To enjoy the tax benefits, interested parties must present a management plan for forest exploitation and regeneration. The plan must be carried out by an agronomist or forestry technician from UTU and must be approved by the DGF.
👉 Tax benefits will be: rural real estate contribution, IRAE, IMAGRO, estate tax.
👉 Law 15939 (articles: 39, 40, 43, 49 and 50)

Decree in Spanish
Collection of Firewood from Native Forests

Barraqueros or collectors of products from native forests are required to:
👉 Register with the DGF
👉 Submit stock affidavits
👉 Have authorized personnel on the premises during business hours, with whom notifications and inspections can take place.
👉 Have copies of transit and tenure guides at the premises, as well as of affidavits made.

Decree in Spanish
Transit guides: management and disposal

👉Each copy of the transit guide is valid for a single trip, guides with erasures, amendments, etc. cannot be issued, the loss or theft must be reported within a maximum period of 48 hours to the nearest DGF or police department.
👉Decree 330/993 (art. 2 to 5)

Decree in Spanish