5th National Open Government Action Plan 2021-2024

Commitments 2

Citizen participation and policies for equality

To promote the open government principles as a tool for the construction, implementation, and monitoring of public policies oriented towards achieving a more equal and inclusive society. To provide tools to diversify and extend the participation mechanisms, fostering digital citizen participation.

2.1 Accessibility in the information and digital services of the Government

Agency for e-Government and the Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC), Civil Service National Office (ONSC), and the Access to Public Information Unit (UAIP).

To drive an accessibility policy with regard to information and digital services provided by the Government, involving people with disabilities in spaces of dialogue and exchange.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • Space for multi-actor dialogue and exchange. To set up a space for multi-actor exchange which integrates representatives of collectives of people with disabilities, institutions of the Government, and academia that can contribute to the design of the lines of action of the Accessibility Program on digital contents. To generate technical guidelines, an awareness and training plan on the theme aimed at entities of the Government and its implementation.
  • To harmonize the implementation of the Law on Access to Public Information with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. To adopt, through a participative process involving people with disability, a ruling by the Access to Public Information Unit which establishes guidelines to correlate the implementation of the Law on Access to Public Information with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other provisions in connection with the adoption of standards and practices for the universal design and/or reasonable adjustments.
  • Accessibility of the governmental call for applications in Uruguay Concursa. To modify the information of the calls managed by Uruguay Concursa aimed at persons with disability so that these are accessible. To prepare the communicational guidelines and directions and to promote a training plan aimed at all entities which are obliged to publish their calls in the Uruguay Concursa portal.
  • Accessible electronic resumé and new dimensions of information. To develop a new electronic resumé of Uruguay Concursa, which meets the accessibility standards, and which incorporates the dimensions of gender identity, ethnic-racial self-description, and disability.
  • Accessibility to Citizen Service. To develop a pilot incorporating centralized virtual assistance with Uruguayan Sign Language (USL) and update the catalogue of online proceedings and services so that the information thereof is accessible.

2.2 Strengthening the spaces of citizen participation and use of digital tools in public policies about aging and old age

National Institute of Older Persons (Inmayores) – Ministry of Social Development (MIDES, for its acronym in Spanish)

To strengthen the citizen participation of civil society organizations concerning aging and old age, in institutionalized spheres, such as Inmayores Advisory Committee. For such purposes, the use of digital citizen participation tools will be integrated in order to strengthen their participation in terms of impact on the design, implementation, and assessment of the public policies on the subject matter, thus boosting the exercise of their right of participation, favouring their integration and contribution to the development of the society.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To prepare a working plan (road map), which includes the steps and activities to be performed, building strategic alliances among all the actors involved in the development of the commitment.
  • To design and implement together with Agesic and with the Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Older Persons a module about aging and old age within the Digital Citizenship Participation Platform available for the Uruguayan Government.
  • To design a series of training sessions on the use of the digital citizen participation platform aimed at the Advisory Committee and other intervening actors, considering the inclusion of people with disabilities such as the deaf community.
  • Monitoring and follow-up of the participative process through the digital Platform.
  • To implement a series of training sessions on the use of the platform for digital inclusion aimed at developing procedural skills and abilities for promoting the participation of the members of the Committee and representatives of older persons´ civil society organizations.
  • To carry out workshops to raise awareness on the right to participation and digital inclusion in the process of public policies about aging and old age.

2.3 Observatory for the follow-up of the implementation of affirmative actions for People of African Descent

Division of Promotion of Public Policies for Afro Descendants – Ministry of Social Development (MIDES)

To create an Observatory for the follow-up and monitoring of the implementation of affirmative actions aimed at the African descent population, strengthening the transparency, accountability, and citizen participation with regard to the compliance with Law 19,122. To promote guidelines and implement actions to improve the production and availability of information that integrates the ethnic-racial variable by public institutions.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To design a proposal of Observatory through a participative process within the framework of the Implementation Committee of Law 19,122 and its Advisory Committee.
  • To launch the Observatory for the follow-up of the implementation of affirmative actions for people of African descent.
  • To implement a process for opening the data of the Observatory and to develop displays to boost the citizen monitoring tools.
  • To incorporate spaces for exchanges and citizen participation in connection with the subject matters of the Observatory through the Digital Citizen Participation Platform.
  • To draft guidelines to implement improvements to the production of disaggregated data and compliance with effective regulations in connection with the application of the ethnic-racial variable, allowing mapping of all the registries which currently use this variable.
  • To design and implement an awareness program aimed at entities and officers with regard to the subject matter so as to promote improvements to the information systems so that disaggregated data can exist and data opening processes are promoted; and to prepare a guide, by the Division, favouring the effective implementation of Law 19,122.
  • To spread the Observatory and foster its use within the target population.

2.4 Monitoring and transparency of the National Gender Plan in Agricultural Policies

Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MGAP, for its acronym in Spanish)

To perform the monitoring of the National Gender Plan of the Agricultural Policies (PNG Agro, for its acronym in Spanish), together with the civil society, fostering its involvement, impact, and transparency in the management and execution of the PNG Agro.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To create a follow-up committee for the implementation of the National Gender Plan in Agricultural Policies (PNG Agro) made up by the farming civil society and the rural sphere, and to set it up.
  • To establish a network of mentors in the Rural Development Boards that joins the PNG Agro implementation process.
  • To generate and implement a training plan to strengthen the impact and monitoring abilities of the Follow-up Committee and/or Network of mentors in the Rural Development Boards.
  • To develop and set up a viewpoint for the implementation of the National Gender Plan in the Agricultural Policies to facilitate the follow-up and access to the information and regular reports of the operational commitments by all interested citizens.
  • To carry out, during the implementation process, at least 6 events to account for actions taken, around commemorative days on March 8th and October 15th of each year.

2.5 Gender equality perspective in open data and in Montevideo´s street naming

Municipality of Montevideo (IM, for its acronym in Spanish)

To develop a process to increase the availability and publication of open data which allows promoting the analysis with a gender equality perspective.

To foster citizen participation, transparency, and accountability to reduce the gender gap in the city´s street naming, within the frame of the Strategy for Gender Equality in Montevideo, strengthening the implementation of the project Mujeres con Calle (Street Smart Women) and the affirmative action provided by Decree 37,252/19 of the Departmental Board.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To prepare recommendations for the publication of open data with a gender equality perspective in the organization.
  • To update the publication of the existing open data, by applying the recommendations.
  • To classify the list of street names of Montevideo with the collaboration of the civil society to publish as open data and allow its analysis with different perspectives.
  • To promote the transparency in the evolution of the proposals submitted within the frame of the project Mujeres con calle, through feedback thereof.
  • To make the gender gap in the street naming visible and to draw attention to the path of women who are part of it, as well as of those who were proposed, through diffusion activities and workshops to raise awareness of the project on the territory.

2.6 Domestic and gender-based violence: access to open data

 Ministry of the Interior (MI) - National Directorate of Gender Policies 

To extend the publication of open data on domestic and gender-based violence, and to develop a display panel to facilitate the comprehension and interpretation of data, considering contributions of specialists for the construction thereof.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To redesign the model for the publication of open data concerning domestic and gender-based violence.
  • To update the data in an open format with regard to domestic violence and associated situations and gender-based violence situations in the year 2018 and to publish data of domestic violence situations and related data in 2019 and 2020.
  • To publish data in an open format on domestic homicides to women and by gender-based violence, and data about sexual crimes in 2019 and 2020.
  • To design and develop a display panel of the domestic and gender-based violence crimes, to facilitate the understanding of the information by the citizens, with the support of Agesic.
  • To implement the display panel.

2.7 Access to information for the empowerment and economic autonomy of women

Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) – National Institute for Women

What is the commitment?

To strengthen the access to information so as to contribute to fostering the economic autonomy of women in Uruguay, through the development of a collaborative, gratuitous, open, and public application that involves the active participation of the potential users in the design and prioritization of contents.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To submit an initial query and another one in the mid-term to potential users using the Digital Citizen Participation Platform as one of the mechanisms.
  • To design and implement strategic alliances with governmental institutions related to the initiative within the frame of the National Gender Congress.
  • To develop the application and implement a pilot stage.
  • To design and implement a strategy of dissemination and appropriation by the users and public institutions.

2.8 Promotion and strengthening of Digital Citizen Participation

Agency for e-Government and the Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC)

To reinforce a digital citizen participation policy, promoting digital inclusion, the use by public institutions of the Digital Citizen Participation Platform or other digital tools, and incorporating best practices in the participative processes. To investigate the factors that generate gaps for citizen participation in digital environments, considering dimensions such as gender, generations, ethnic-racial, territoriality, disability, among others, that allow strengthening the strategy.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To amend the National Catalogue of Citizen Participation in terms of updating information and accessibility.
  • To incorporate the perspective of Civil Society and of Academia through tables of dialogue or participative instances, for the reinforcement of the digital citizen participation policy and of the reference framework for this citizen participation method, in order to intensify the instruments and actions on this subject matter.
  • To incorporate standards, guidelines, and tools to promote accessible participative processes and boost the inclusive digital citizen participation in the Platform, aligning them to the use of international standards in terms of accessibility.
  • To study and analyse the factors that generate barriers and gaps in the participation in digital environments, considering dimensions such as gender, generations, ethnic-racial aspects, territoriality, disabilities, among others.
  • To institutionalize the Digital Citizen Participation Platform, as an instrument to centralize the scopes and processes of the Government.

2.9 Co-creation and public monitoring of the National Action Plan on Human Rights

Human Rights Secretariat under the Presidency of the Republic (SDH, for its acronym in Spanish)

To implement a participative process for the construction of the first National Action Plan on Human Rights. To design and develop a citizen follow-up and monitoring process, integrating digital tools to guarantee the public access to information and accountability mechanisms.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To implement the first stage of the participative process to gather problems and actions proposals through 4 instruments:
  • A platform on digital citizen participation,
  • Creatón (4 regional conferences)
  • 1 academic seminar
  • 3 tables of dialogue with academicians and institutional mentors.
  • To systematize and prioritize the proposals received for the preparation of the document "Bases hacia un Plan Nacional de Acción en Derechos Humanos y relatorías para la construcción de la mirada estratégica” (Basis towards a National Action Plan on Human Rights and reports for the construction of the strategic outlook).
  • Co-creation and approval of operation plan through a participative process carrying out a table of dialogue per each central theme.
  •  To implement a citizen follow-up and monitoring process, using digital tools to guarantee the public access to information (Viewpoint).
  • To carry out an annual dialogue table for follow-up with social participation, in September every year. The institutions shall assess the execution and shall re-plan a new annual operation plan.

To organize an instance for the accountability and assessment of the plan by the end of the period.
