5th National Open Government Action Plan 2021-2024

Commitments 4

Towards an Open State

To drive the principles of the open government as transversal components of the public duty in all public branches, scopes, and levels of the government, progressing towards an Open State. To integrate the national Parliament and continue making progress in the development of new instruments that endow the Judicial System with transparency.

4.1 Strengthening the Digital Citizen Participation in the Parliament

Legislative Branch - Senate

To institutionalize the Open Parliament policy in the sphere of the Senate. To regulate the operation of the digital Citizen Participation Program (PROPACI, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Parliament to reinforce the implementation of the tool in the sphere of the Senate and contribute to guaranteeing effective participation of people. To develop supplementary actions oriented towards fostering the digital participation of women in the PROPACI.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To institutionalize a space, through the creation of an area for the management, development, and implementation of open parliament initiatives.
  • To design regulations and protocols that guarantee the efficiency of the tool through a participative process, designed by incorporating the contributions of the parliamentary commissions, officers, technical specialists, academia, and interested civil society.
  • To assess the tool incorporating new features.
  • To implement a promotion and skill development plan for the use of the tool, including actions aimed at promoting the participation of women and several specific collectives to be prioritized.

4.2 Strengthening the policy on access to public information and opening of Parliament data

Legislative Branch – Senate

To drive a data opening institutional policy and to establish an incremental publication plan, identifying and prioritizing the most relevant data for the citizens. To generate a participative space to identify such demands, fostering transparency and accountability towards the citizens and the value of the data before the different groups of the society.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To design and approve a parliamentary open data policy and its corresponding regulations.
  • To generate a participative process to identify sets of critical data to be published, receiving the contributions of the interested sectors.
  • To design and implement a publication, diffusion, and promotion plan on the use of the data published in open format made public in the website of the Parliament and in the National Data Catalogue.

4.3 New perspectives for the copyright law

Legislative Branch – Senate´s Commission of Education and Culture

To implement parliamentary reflection sessions which enable making evolution proposals to the copyright law and related provisions in areas such as education, libraries and files, science, and freedom of speech in the digital era.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To carry out a refresher seminar on the matter at a national and international level to generate objective information which paves the way for the participation, with the involvement of academicians, and specialists on copyrights, information management, libraries, records, education, and Information and Communication Technology and digital culture.
  • To provide two workspaces for exchange on the following topics: a) Improvements to the copyright law concerning records, libraries, museums, and galleries and b) Improvements to the copyright law concerning education and investigation.
  • Space in the PROPACI to receive proposals on the subject matter.
  • Document of proposals submitted to the commission for its treatment.

4.4 Transparent Plenary Session in Maldonado´s Departmental Board

Maldonado´s Departmental Board (JDM, for its acronym in Spanish)

To develop a digital transformation strategy of Maldonado´s Departmental Board that reinforces the transparency and accountability concerning the departmental legislative work, incorporating an electronic voting system for municipal elected officers, which allows checking attendance to plenary sessions and commissions, the verification of the correct configuration of the plenary session and control of quorum.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To implement a new system that will enable electronic voting, the attendance control of plenary sessions and commissions, the verification of the correct configuration of the plenary session, and the control of quorum, integrating 100% of the municipal elected officers.
  • To institute the new effective rules of procedure of Maldonado´s Departmental Board and to approve its adjustments within the reference framework for the execution of the commitment.
  • To implement an awareness and training plan aimed at elected municipal officers and the citizens for the exploitation of the digital transformation.
  • To incorporate the attendance data generated by the new system to the information available through the Active Transparency mechanisms of the entity.
  • To publish the attendance and other data generated within the framework of the commitment in the open data format in the website of Maldonado´s Departmental Board and in the National Catalogue of Open Data.

4.5 Canelones: Observatory, interinstitutional information, open municipalities, and guide of social resources

Municipality of Canelones (IC, for its acronym in Spanish)

To implement a comprehensive strategy to promote the highest transparency levels in the departmental management, strengthening the right to access to public information and the interaction with the citizens, through:

1)  The creation of an Observatory of strategy and public policy of the Municipality of Canelones, seeking to maximize the access to available information through its publication in open data and georeferencing; 2) The design and implementation, together with the Departmental Board, of an interinstitutional information system facilitating interaction and participation of the citizens through the availability of accessible information about the duties and roles of the different institutions that are part of the Government of Canelones; 3) The reinforcement of the open municipalities policy; 4) The creation and set up of a platform that facilitates access to public information on the available social resources in the department, including the georeferencing of support services for victims of Gender-based Violence, spaces and services destined to older persons, persons with disabilities, scholarships and educational programs, among others.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To design and implement an Observatory for strategy and public policy of the Municipality of Canelones, seeking to maximize access to available information through its publication in open data and georeferencing.
  • To design and implement, together with the Departmental Board, an interinstitutional information system.
  • To create and set up a citizen follow-up platform which consolidates and georeferences the information concerning the support services to the victims of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), spaces destined to older persons, services destined to persons with disabilities, access to housing, educational programs, access to scholarships, access to recreational spaces.
  • To generate and implement a strategy to strengthen the open municipality policy including an awareness campaign on the right to Access to Public Information at a departmental level and training sessions for reinforcement of 30 municipalities concerning transparency and access to public information.

4.6 Opening of data on the criminal proceedings about charges and convictions to persons.

Office of the Attorney General (FGN, for its acronym in Spanish)

To publish in open data format the result of the diverse stages of the criminal procedure about charged and convicted persons on record as of February 2019.

To design and implement displays that enhance transparency and accountability about criminal proceedings and the exercise of the criminal charges.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To perform the regular publication of a series of data about the criminal proceedings, from the filing to the last recorded hearing since February 2019 thereon, in the national catalogue of open data and in the portal of the Office of the General Attorney of the Nation.
  • To carry out a workshop with civil society organizations, researchers, and specialists on the subject matter, to define indicators to be incorporated in the display and promote its use.
  • To implement a display that enhances the comprehension of the stages of the criminal proceedings, and allows understanding the data published by all persons without the need of being specialized in the subject matter.

4.7 Strengthening of access to information of court records

Judicial Branch (PJ, for its acronym in Spanish)

Modify the online system “Consulta de Expedientes Judiciales” (Find Court Records) to incorporate the search by name and last names (patronymic search) of the persons that are part of a file, to facilitate access to such information.

Goals and/or major milestones

  • To develop the new Consulta de Expedientes Judiciales system.
  • To implement diffusion actions to make known the performed changes.
  • To launch the new “Consulta de Expedientes Judiciales” version.
