Types of residencies in Uruguay
Residency is the governmental authorization that enables a foreigner to reside, study, and work in a country. Those seeking residency must follow the relevant process at the National Department of Migration (Dirección Nacional de Migración).
There are different processes to reside in Uruguay, according to the situation and needs of each person.
Important: if the criteria and requirements are met, a person may apply directly for permanent residency. It is not necessary to first apply for temporary residency.
Temporary Residency
This application is for people who want to stay in the country for a period of more than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, but less than 2 (two) years.
Permanent Residency
For cases in which the applicant's intention is to remain in the country permanently or if his/her temporary residency expires and he/she wants to become a permanent resident.
Provisional Identity Card
It enables the applicant to work in the country for a maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days and is renewable for another 180 days, according to Decree 238/022. This document regulates the situation of a person residing and working in the country for a limited period of time. It is also applicable to digital nomads.
For more information about this document, visit Provisional Identity Card.
Special border document
This is a type of residency granted in accordance with the Agreement signed between Uruguay and Brazil so that Uruguayan and Brazilian border nationals can reside, study, or work in certain areas. These are:
- Chuy. July 18, La Coronilla and Barra del Chuy (Uruguay) to Chuí, Santa Vitória do Palmar/balneario do Hermenegildo and Barra do Chuí (Brazil).
- Rio Branco (Uruguay) to Jaguarao (Brazil).
- Aceguá (Uruguay) to Aceguá (Brazil).
- Rivera (Uruguay) to Santana do Livramento (Brazil).
- Artigas (Uruguay) to Quaraí (Brazil).
- Bella Unión (Uruguay) to Barra do Quaraí (Brazil).
There are three types of Permanent Residencies
Permanent Residency
This residency can be requested by any person with nationality outside Mercosur, with the intention of residing permanently in the country.
Mercosur Permanent Residency
It is granted to persons born or nationalized in Mercosur and associated countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, and Guyana.
Permanent Residency with a Uruguayan relationship
This is granted to foreigners related to Uruguayans (spouse, cohabitant, parents, siblings).
For more information on the application process, visit Residency Application.
To learn about the required documents and to apply for permanent residency, see the online process.
There are two types of Temporary Residencies
Temporary Residency
This process is for foreigners who decide to settle in Uruguay on a temporary basis for a term of not less than 180 days and a maximum of two (2) years. The person requesting temporary residency must provide evidence of participation in the activity that is the reason for the request.
For workers and entrepreneurs: A letter on letterhead specifying the activity to be carried out and the term of the contract, indicating the monthly remuneration if applicable or the means of support. This letter must be accompanied by a certificate signed by a notary public or institution and must include all the company's information.
Students: Proof of student status by means of an official certificate from an educational institution (for private institutions, this must be accompanied by a notarized certificate). In addition, proof of income, which must be sufficient for the applicant’s maintenance and accommodation, must be provided. If the applicant is unable to provide means of support, a family member may provide the necessary financial support as well as documents proving their relationship. If the means of support come from abroad, a notarized certificate must be provided. This type of residency is granted for up to one year, renewable for equal periods.
Religious: Members of churches, orders, or congregations recognized in the country, who come to carry out activities related to their worship, teachings, or assistance, must submit a certificate on letterhead issued by the congregation or church to which they belong, stating the activities to be carried out by the petitioners, the duration of their mission, and proof of livelihood. A notarized certificate shall be attached to the above-mentioned document, certifying the legal status of the Civil Association and other data corresponding to the Civil Association.
2. Mercosur Temporary Residency
This process is for any person born or with more than 5 years of nationalization in Mercosur and associated countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, and Guyana) who wishes to settle in Uruguay on a temporary basis for a maximum period of two (2) years.
The Mercosur Temporary Residency will have a duration of two years renewable for the same period only once.
Such renewal must be requested within 90 days prior to its expiration. To request an extension of residency, please e-mail dnm-residenciastemporarias@minterior.gub.uy .
If you are a Mercosur temporary resident and want to change your status to Mercosur Permanent Residency, please e-mail residenciasdefinitivasley20075@minterior.gub.uy.